Anniversary of the Glazovsky Museum of Local Lore

Anniversary of the Glazovsky Museum of Local Lore

News        05/25/2021

For 100 years, the museum has been carefully collecting and storing everything related to the history of the region.

Glazovsky Museum of Local Lore, as one of the oldest cultural institutions in Russia, in 2020. celebrated the anniversary. For 100 years, the museum has been carefully collecting and storing everything related to the history of the region.

We are glad to cooperate with people who have dedicated their lives to the preservation of historical heritage. Many thanks to the museum staff who collected information from the archives on the history of our factory, which confirms that the traditions of confectionery production at this site continue from the forties of the last century to the present.

LLC "Confectionery" became the sponsor of the event dedicated to the 100-year history of our city. Each guest of the anniversary received the company's products as a gift.